The critical challenge for policymakers is to build on the reforms that have so far been implemented to accelerate growth further, entrench macroeconomic stability, and ensure that the benefits of growth are widely distributed. Efforts to boost growth, promote stability, and achieve better social outcomes are mutually reinforcing. Improving the distribution of income is not only essential from a social perspective but is also needed to ensure broad support for economic reforms and to help sustain growth momentum. (Berg, Ostry, and Zettelmeyer (2006) show that a more equal distribution of income is an important factor that increases the duration of periods of strong growth.) And reforms that boost potential output growth make it easier to reduce public debt and maintain low inflation, contributing to greater stability and investor confidence, which in turn will have a reinforcing impact on growth.
In particular, for countries in which public sector revenues as a share of GDP are low and/or reliant on revenues from commodity exports (e.g., Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela), efforts are needed to broaden the tax base, reduce tax exemptions that benefit the better off, and improve tax administration. In others (including Brazil and Ecuador), budget rigidities in the form of revenue earmarking and mandatory expenditure requirements that are a constraint on the reallocation of resources toward priority areas need to be tackled. Such fiscal reforms would create room for increased spending on well-targeted social programs, building on the success of Oportunidades in Mexico, Bolsa Familia in Brazil, and Chile Solidario in Chile. These programs appear to be highly beneficial for the poor, but in terms of government spending, they are modest in size relative to other programs.
Nos corren por izquierda muchachos, nos corren por izquierda!!!! Cagamo'
Saludos de un Elemaco de domingo
Saludos de un Elemaco de domingo
3 comentarios:
Aunque Ud. no lo crea.
Es cierto, como por derecha se acabaron los argumentos, ahora nos corren por izquierda.
El argumento de la seguridad jurídica quedo en ridículo, después de la aceptación de la propiedad privada por parte de China.
Un abrazo
Lo que pasa es que los economistas al final se dieron cuenta que el funcionamiento de la economía per se no funciona como en los libros de texto. El mundo es imperfecto, caramba, y la mala distribución del ingreso es una de sus imperfecciones. Por eso, aunque el famoso trade-off entre eficiencia y equidad todavía es relevante, más relevante se hace distribuir más equitativamente la asignación inicial de los recursos.
A corrernos por izquierda empezó el Banco Mundial, por la época de Menem. Ahora el Fondo... Todo puede mejorar, sin duda.
Un beso, Elemaco.
No tema, estimado Elemaco.
Corren por izquierda, pero te encierran en un cuartito y te quieren hacer la misma que antes.
Un abrazo
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